PAHAL scheme was started by government of India on 1st June 2013. It is also known as DBTL(Direct benefit Transfer of LPG) scheme. The scheme was introduced for consumer to compulsorily link aadhar number for availing LPG subsidy directly in their bank accounts.
How can you get LPG subsidy?
Under PAHAL scheme, the LPG consumer can receive subsidy in his/her bank account by 2 methods: -
- Method I - By linking Aadhar Number to the bank account number and to the LPG consumer number.
- Method II - If you don't have an aadhar number, then you can directly receive subsidy in your bank account without using aadhar number.
- Either you can Provide bank account information (bank account holder name /account number /IFSC code) to the LPG distributor for capture in LPG database. OR
- You can LPG consumer information (17 digit LPG consumer ID) to bank.
Price of LPG for you under PAHAL(DBTL): -
In th districts of PAHAL(DBTL), once you join the scheme, domestic LPG cylinders will cost you at market determined price which does not include subsidy from the starting date of the scheme. A one-time Advance will be provided to every CTC consumer joining PAHAL (DBTL).
You will be receiving SMS at every stage in the scheme, to keep you informed about your status .
Steps to link Aadhar with LPG and Bank: -
- Form 1 : You can link your Aadhar Number to your bank account by filling Form1 and depositing it either at bank branch or in drop box placed at LPG distributorship.
- Form 2 : You can link your Aadhar Number with your LPG consumer number by Submitting Form 2 to the LPG distributor (or drop in the designated drop box).
- Form 3 : You can provide LPG consumer information (17 digit LPG consumer ID) in Form 3 to your bank.
- Form 4 : If you do not have an aadhar card you can provide bank account information (bank account holder name /account number /IFSC code) in Form 4 to the LPG distributor.
- Form5 : If you want to opt-out subsidy means if you can afford to pay the market price for LPG, submit Form 5 at the LPG distributorship along with valid proof of Identity.
Contact details:
HPCL Website : www.myhpgas.in.
IOCL Website : www.indane.co.in
Common Call Centre Number: 18002333555
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Stay updated with the latest information about PAHAL (Pratyaksh Hansrakshit Labh) Scheme
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