Mid-Day Meal Scheme

Submitted by shahrukh on Thu, 02/05/2024 - 13:14
Scheme Open


Customer Care


Mid- Day Meal Scheme is a school meal programme to enhance the enrollment, attendance and retention and simultaneously improving nutritional quality among school-age children nationwide. The scheme mainly covers the school going children studying in Classes 1st to 8th of government, government aided schools, EGS(Education Guarantee Scheme)/AIE(Alternative and Innovative Education) centres, Special Training Centres , Madarsa and Maktabs supported under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan.

Benefits: -

  1. Increased School Enrolment and attendance.
  2. Reduced dropouts from the school.
  3. Improved Nutritional level among children.

According to amendments made in food norms from 2009 onwards

Item Primary(Class 1 to 5) Upper Primary(grade 6 to 8)
Protein(in Grams) 12 20
Calories 450 700
Pulses(in grams) 20 30
Oil and Fat(in grams) 5 7,5
Vegetables(in grams 50 75
Food Grains(in grams) 100 150
Salt and condiments As per need As per need

Following norms have been made for engagement of cook-cum-helper :

  • 1 cook- cum-helper for schools up to 25 students.
  • 2 cooks-cum-helpers for schools with 26 to 100 students.
  • 1 additional cook-cum-helper for every addition of upto 100 students.
Cooking cost w.e.f. 01.04.2019 
Level Total cooking cost per child per day(in Rs)
Share of Central-State (in Rs)
Non-NER States and UTs with Legislature(60:40) NER-States (90:10) and 3 Himalayan States  
Total cooking cost per child per day(in Rs) Central State Central State UTs without Legislature (100%)
Primary(1st to 5th 4.48 .2.69 1.79 4.03 0.45 4.48
Upper Primary(6th to 8th) 6.71 4.03 2.68 6.04 0.67 6.71

Contact Details:

Mid Day Meal Scheme
The Ministry of Human Resource Development
The Department of School Education & Literacy
Shastri Bhawan
New Delhi - 110001
Phone No. : 011-23384253, 011-23387980,
011-23387210, 011-23386024

EdCIL (India) Limited
Technical Support Groups (TSG)
6th Floor, Vijaya Building
17, Barakhamba Road,
New Delhi - 110001
Phone No. : 011-23765621, 011-23765622
Fax.No. 011-2376561

Email ID - indiamdm@gmail.com

Website : mdm.nic.in

State/UTs Contact Number Email ID
Andaman & Nicobar Islands 03192-2334939 dired@and@nic.in
Andhra Pradesh 9849909612 dse_ap@yahoo.co.in
Arunachal Pradesh 18003453604 ddsemdm@gmail.com
Assam 0361-2383832 assammdm@gmail.com
Bihar 0612-2200123 directormdms@gmail.com
Chandigarh 0172-5021697, 5077699 dpi-chd@nic.in
Chhattisgarh 077-14283025, 4283036 cg.dpi.dir@gmail.com
Dadra and Nagar Haveli 0260-263203 secy-edu-dd@nic.in
Daman and Diu 0260-2230445, 09979561707 ceo_dp_dmn@yahoo.com
Delhi 011-2389002 diredu@nic.in
Goa 0832-2416033 dir-educ.goa@nic.in
Gujarat 079-232431333 secedupri@gujarat.gov.in
Haryana 0172-653244, 3262073 mdmhry@gmail.com
Himachal Pradesh 18001808007 pchpmdm@hp.gov.in
Jammu and Kashmir 0191-2598189, 2471488, 2561521, 0194-2471488 jdpeducation@gmail.com
Jharkhand 0651-2401797 hrdjharkhand@gmail.com
Karnataka 180042520007 prsprim-edu@karnataka.gov.in
Kerala 0471-2324633 dpinoonmeal@gmail.com,
Lakshadweep 09447610341 lk-doe@nic.in
Madhya Pradesh 155343 mpmdm@rediffmail.com
Maharashtra 18002339988, 020-26121394 midday.meal@rediffmail@com
Manipur 0385-2411095 tenedy@rediffmail.com
Meghalaya 0364-2225356 meg_mdm@yahoo.co.in
Mizoram 9436154576 mizorammdm@gmail.com
Nagaland 09774305287 nglnd_mdm@yahoo.in
Odisha 18003456733 snomdm@nic.in
Punjab 0172-6541673, 2600119 dgsepunjab18@gmail[dot]com
Pondicherry 0413-2207202 edn.pon@nic.in
Rajasthan 0141-2221960 rajmdm@rediffmail.com
Sikkim 03592-208049 petybhutia2006@gmail.com
Tamil Nadu 1800 4255 4444 dsw.tn@nic.in
Telangana --- tg.cdse@gmail.com
Tripura 08575550662 tripuramdm@gmail.com
Uttar Pradesh 18004190102 secup.edupri@nic.in
Uttarakhand 18001804132 dirse-edu-uk@nic.in
West Bengal 033-23596799 wbssed@gmail.com



Person Type Govt


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