Regarding Ladki Bahin Yojana Form

When trying to fill out the Ladki Bahin Yojana form, users may encounter a "service unavailable" error. This error typically indicates a server-side issue preventing access to the form. It could be due to server maintenance, high traffic, or other technical difficulties on the service provider's end. Users are advised to check their internet connection, clear browser cache and cookies, try different browsers, disable browser extensions, and verify the website's status for any reported issues. If the problem persists, contacting the support team or helpdesk for the Ladki Bahin Yojana is recommended.



Your Name
Bhavya Shukla

Hi, I would like to complaint regarding the website I been trying to fill the form on the website, its not working since last two days either its showing API not working, not getting response from server, captcha invalid, try again later. Please provide me with the solution and even after logging in I don't get the option for selecting wards and to upload my documents. Fix the issue as soon as possible please


Your Name
Julie David

I filled the form on 14/8/24 after all website down and all, then on 22nd August I received message that my form was rejected due to back side of adhar card even though I attached the perfect photo of my aadhar card back side but still I again rechecked the attachements and submitted again, but still now yesterday I received message regarding rejection of my form due to Birth certificate and bank passbook not available. It was clearly written in the form that you can attach either birth certificate or 15 years ago voting card or 15 years ago ration card. I attached my ration card which was generated in year 2000 and also attached clear photo of my bank passbook. but again for the third time my form was rejected, it feels like it is done on purpose

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