1st Installment Not Received

Dear/Madam My name is Kaushalya Goswami my daughter name is Krisha Goswami and aadhar number is 880943340584 i have submit my daughter from lek ladki yojana from in aganvadi office and my application beneficiary code is LLY00014334. my daughter 1st installment still not received please check it and how much time it will be take please reply us.



Your Name
Krisha goswami

Dear/Madam My name is Kaushalya Goswami my daughter name is Krisha Goswami and aadhar number is xxxxxxxxx584 i have submit my daughter from lek ladki yojana from in aganvadi office and my application beneficiary code is LLY00014334. my daughter 1st installment still not received please check it and how much time it will be take please reply us.


Your Name
Krisha goswami

My name is Kaushalya Goswami my aadhar number is xxxxxxxxx8857 my daughter name is Krisha Goswami and Aadhar number is xxxxxxxx584 i was submitted my daughter from lek ladki yojana form in anganwadi office and my application beneficiary code is LLY00014334. My daughter's 1st installment is still not received. more then five months are gone. Please check it and how much time it will take. No one can help us. Please reply to us. Below i have attached application form please check it and revert me back.

Thanks & Regards,
Kaushalya Goswami

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